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The Treehouse team is made up of co-teachers that foster a strong sense of community in our school. We all work together equally to enrich the program for both the children and families. Our teachers have beautiful backgrounds and are therefore valuable assets to our team as they all bring their own individual talents, passions, skills and personalities to the school. Part of our continued education and enrichment for our staff involves Growth and Inner work to insure that we have whole and healthy human beings that are capable of the warmth and peace that the children need from us to feel safe and secure. It is who we ARE as Teachers that will make the greatest impact. As W.E.B. DuBois states: “Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.”

The Treehouse: a Forest Garden School is a licensee center through the Early Learning Division, Oregon Department of Education. Therefore, all teachers at The Treehouse are enrolled in the Central Background Registry and are required to have their pediatric First Aid/CPR Certification, Food Handler’s and Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, Foundations for Learning, Safe Sleep, Childcare Health and Safety courses through The Early Learning DivisionTeachers who provide care for more than 20 hours in a calendar year undergo at least 15 hours of additional required training per year. 



the teachers

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